Shoulder Pain from Overuse

What most people call the shoulder is really several joints that combine with tendons and muscles to allow a wide range of motion to the arm, from scratching your back to throwing the perfect pitch. Mobility has its price, however. It may lead to increasing problems with instability or impingement of soft tissue resulting in pain. You may feel pain only when the shoulder is moved, or all of the time. The pain may be temporary and disappear in a short time, or it may continue and require medical diagnosis and treatment.


Most shoulder problems involve the soft tissues, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, rather than bones. And most of these problems fall into three major categories:

  • tendinitis/bursitis
  • injury/instability
  • arthritis


Treatment generally involves altering activities, rest and physical therapy to help you improve shoulder strength and flexibility.

Surgery may be required to resolve shoulder problems; however, 90 percent of patients with shoulder pain will respond to simple treatment methods such as altering activities, rest, exercise and medication.

Common sense solutions such as avoiding overexertion or overdoing activities in which you normally don't participate can help to prevent shoulder pain.

Main Functions of Ares Kinesiology Tape

  • May relieve pain and muscle fatigue
  • May improve circulation and lymphatic flow via superficial activation while reducing inflammation
  • May correct muscle function through reduction of muscle tension and strengthening of the weakened muscle
  • May correct misalignment of joints
  • May work with the body to allow and increase normal range of motion
  • May normalize length/tension ratios to create optimal force
  • May assist and improve tissue recovery
  • May decrease inflammation and pressure on mechanical recept