Golf Elbow

Leading the list of injuries is golfer's elbow, and one of the best ways to avoid elbow problems is to strengthen the forearm muscles and slow the swing so that there will be less shock in the arm when the ball is hit by the golfer. To avoid golfer's elbow, we suggest these simple exercises to help build up your forearm muscles.

Squeezing a tennis ball for five minutes at a time is a simple, effective exercise that will strengthen your forearm muscles.

Wrist curls

Use a lightweight dumbbell. Lower the weight to the end of your fingers, and then curl the weight back into your palm, followed by curling up your wrist to lift the weight an inch or two higher. Perform 10 repetitions with one arm, and then repeat with the other arm.

Reverse wrist curls

Use a lightweight dumbbell. Place your hands in front of you, palm side down. Using your wrist, lift the weight up and down. Hold the arm that you are exercising above your elbow with your other hand in order to limit the motion to your forearm. Perform 10 repetitions with one arm, and then repeat with the other arm.

Main Functions of Ares Kinesiology Tape

  • May relieve pain and muscle fatigue
  • May improve circulation and lymphatic flow via superficial activation while reducing inflammation
  • May correct muscle function through reduction of muscle tension and strengthening of the weakened muscle
  • May correct misalignment of joints
  • May work with the body to allow and increase normal range of motion
  • May normalize length/tension ratios to create optimal force
  • May assist and improve tissue recovery
  • May decrease inflammation and pressure on mechanical recept