Flat Foot

Flat foot is a condition where the longitudinal arch or instep of the foot collapses and comes in contact with the ground. In infants and toddlers, the longitudinal arch is not developed and flat feet are normal. In some individuals, the longitudinal arch never develops.

Flat feet may be associated with pronation, a leaning inward of the ankle bones toward the center line.

Some common symptoms of a flat foot are:

  • A flat look to one or both of your feet
  • Uneven shoe wear and collapse of your shoe toward the inside of your flat foot
  • Lower leg pain
  • Pain on the inside of your ankle
  • Swelling along the inside of your ankle
  • Foot pain

Main Functions of Ares Kinesiology Tape

  • May relieve pain and muscle fatigue
  • May improve circulation and lymphatic flow via superficial activation while reducing inflammation
  • May correct muscle function through reduction of muscle tension and strengthening of the weakened muscle
  • May correct misalignment of joints
  • May work with the body to allow and increase normal range of motion
  • May normalize length/tension ratios to create optimal force
  • May assist and improve tissue recovery
  • May decrease inflammation and pressure on mechanical recept